BitShares (symbol BTS) is different from anything you have experienced yet and as such, a user should know about risks and opportunities.


  • Security and Control over accounts and funds: No one can access your funds unless you let them, intentionally, or unintentionally. With the power to be independent from 3rd parties, comes the responsibility to protect what belongs to you.
  • Can interact with people directly: With BitShares it becomes possible to interact with people directly without needing to go through a middleman. Hence, BitShares is a platform of free speech that implements a payment platform and exchange for digital goods.
  • Fast: Transactions in BitShares are verified and irrevocable in only a few seconds time.
  • Decentralized Committee: Decisions that can effect the BitShares ecosystem are made using a on-chain committee voted upon by shareholders. Hence, no single entity can change the deal retroactively.
  • Flexible: Protocol upgrades (formerly known as hard forks) can be implemented and executed to improve the BitShares business over time and allow to react on external influences quickly.


  • Become Shareholder: If you buy BTS either from a partner exchange or from the DEX, you become a shareholder of the BitShares decentralized business and as such can take a cut of its profits and participate in votes for future directions.
  • Expenses: Vote for expenses of the business and hire workers to do important tasks for BitShares.
  • Leaders: Participate in political decisions by voting for committee members that represent your views!
  • Protocol upgrades: Improve the technology, integrate new features and adept legal and regulative changes by voting for upgrades.
  • Decision making for a proft: Take part in decision finding about fair pricing models for transaction fees to a) increase growth and b) make BitShares profitable for its shareholders